Saturday, April 24, 2010

Medical view on body tanning?

I work for a Dermatologist and she always tries to discourage her patients from tanning of any kind. By tanning, you expose yourself to the risk of getting skin cancer and to premature aging. Although most skin cancers are caused by how much sun exposure you had as a child, as a general rule, tanning is just bad for your skin.

Medical view on body tanning?
it's very bad for you and you should tan as little as possible...
Reply:It's bad for you. Basically tanning darkens your skin by burning it. On the outside, it might look nicer, but microscopically, you can see the burn marks. This increases your chances of getting cancer and wrinkles. Use an artificial tanning lotion, if you want to get a tan.
Reply:Ages your skin, and can lead to age spots when your older, and can also give you that leathery look. Skin cancer is becoming more common now. Now days fake tans are all the rage, and they don't give you that orange look if you choose the right one. Another plus is that fake tans won't damage your skin.

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