Friday, November 20, 2009

If you sweat while tanning,are you losing weight?

just water...

If you sweat while tanning,are you losing weight?
But water weight, not real (fat) weight
Reply:no u dont,
Reply:Technically, yes.. but you are just losing "water weight". You'll eventually need to gain it back, or you'll become dehydrated
Reply:just water weight. After you have a drink it will be right back.
Reply:Just because You're sweating doesn't mean you're losing weight. Activity makes you lose weight, not tanning.
Reply:not exactly
Reply:You lose weight if you sweat. Prove it to your yourself. I dont know how it works but it does.
Reply:NO. Absolutely not. Our body contains 70% of water n while tanning as there is no physical work done, there is only loss of water-weight due 2 which u may get dehydrated, for which u again need 2 drink lot of water. For loosing some weight u need 2 do some physical workout.
Reply:Do you mean losing weight, or burning calories? Losing weight is all about using more calories than you consume, so technically, you could be losing weight by tanning. You body uses calories constantly, even while at rest, so yes, while tanning you are burning calories. And if you're dieting you could be losing weight. Tanning doesn't really cause your body to burn more calories than it would at rest, though, so if you're looking to lose weight you should find an activity that requires more energy than soaking up sun.


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